La casa de Bernarda Alba

La casa de Bernarda Alba

by Federico García Lorca


Maybe this is the work of the Spanish theater of the 20th century, which is most similar to the Greek tragedy, but at the same time, due to the situation of confinement in which the matriarch maintains her entire family, it can lead to a delirium. Pepa Gamboa has opted to bring out the authenticity, the spontaneity, the game, the tremendous energy and generosity of the women who interpret the work. The inability to retain a text for people without literacy who had only stepped into a theater once in their lives, has not been an obstacle for Lorca being  present in every look, every step, in every action. This was confirmed by his niece Laura, who was present at the premiere for whom it was “the most Lorca Bernarda”  she had witnessed. The staging premiered on November 8, 2009, as the closing of the Second International Exhibition of Theater Research (II Muestra Internacional de Investigación Teatral (MITIN)) with great expectation.

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One of the most emblematic works of the Centro Internacional de Investigación TNT is the “Imarginando Program” and inside it, the whole El Vacie project. El Vacie is the oldest gypsy town of Europe, having about a thousand inhabitants and being situated nearby the TNT Center. The eight gypsy women, who live “locked up” in El Vacie have managed to generate a catharsis in each and every one of the thousands of spectators who were giving standing ovations for minutes which, according to the unanimous critique, has meant “the most emotional premiere that has been seen in a long time in Seville” and one of the successes of the Spanish theatrical season. In 2010, during the “European year against poverty and social exclusion”, the show made an extensive tour, having been presented, among other programs, at the Spanish Theater in Madrid.

In 2009, at the event of closure they received an award for El Público that was awarded by CanalSur. This spectacle is the best proof that our motto “otro teatro es possible” (another theater is possible), which we published as we won the Premio Nacional de Teatro, already became true. Other awards that were received are inter alia in 2010 the Premio Europeo Cultura Gitana a la Concordia (European Award Roma Culture to Concord), the Premio Protagonistas Giralda Televisión the same year, and the “Premio Macareno del Año al Mejor Proyecto”awarded by the mayor of Seville, Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirín in person. Director Pepa Gamboa also won two separate awards for her work on the project, such as the “Clara Campoamor” Award due to her contribution to equality with her work and commitment to fight and the Scenarios Award Sevilla 2010 for “Best Creattor”. Furthermore, TNT was the guest of honor at the Festival Internacional de Calle in Valladolid.



Artistic Team


  • Diseño de espacio escénico: Pepa Gamboa y Antonio Marín
  • Realización de Escenografía: Antonio Marín y Damián Romero
  • Vestuario: Virginia Serna
  • Iluminación y coordinación técnica: Alejandro Conesa
  • Sonido: Emilio Morales
  • Regiduría: Jerónimo Obrador
  • Fotografías: Luis Castilla y Javier Pineda
  • Ayudantes de dirección: Silvia Garzón, Jerónimo Obrador y Marga Reyes
  • Ayudante de dramaturgia: Jerónimo Obrador
  • Dirección y dramaturgia: Pepa Gamboa
  • Contabilidad: Rocío de los Reyes
  • Gestión y Jefa de sala: Elena Gordillo
  • Distribución y producción: Masé Moreno
  • Comunicación y producción: Patricia Aguilera
  • Coordinación técnica: Alejandro Conesa
  • Mantenimiento: Sergio Bellido
  • Limpieza: Lole del Campo
  • Dirección: Ricardo Iniesta